996 Work Culture: A Pseudo-Scientific Misrepresentation

996 Work Culture

996 Work Culture

Jack Ma, co-founder and executive chairman of the Alibaba Group (a Chinese multinational conglomerate) recently defended the 996 Work Culture at Alibaba. What is it? A 996 Work Culture means working 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., six days a week, or a 72-hour workweek! He says working a 996 is a huge blessing. Talking about success, Ma asked his employees, “If you don’t put out more time and energy than others, how can you achieve the success you want?” Does success only have a linear relationship with time and energy?

Pythagoras – The Person and Legend

Most of us learned about Pythagoras in Geometry class. In addition to Pythagorean Theory,  this ancient Greek philosopher (c. 570 BC to c. 495 BC) is credited with mathematical and scientific discoveries. He was also an astrologer, musician, and spiritual Guru. By all accounts, Pythagoras’ life teeters on fact and fiction, along with the claim that he is the father of Western Numerology.

Numerology Can Provide Insight

Our reliance on figures, data, valuations, quantities, statistics, and percentages grows daily. Our interpretation of numbers can be misleading. Is success only possible by expending more time and energy? This blog uses numerology as a pseudo-scientific attempt to draw contradictory numerical inferences about the 996 Work Culture.  It is meant to have fun while addressing important organizational issues such as abuse of workers, work-life imbalance, burnout, and in extreme cases self-harm due to work-related stress.

Jack Ma on Education

Human development arises from both reason and creative expression. Even Jack Ma agrees. In his 2018 video on education, Ma says that workplaces should have a good environment to make employees more positive. And education should teach us things that make us different from machines, amongst other things: art, sports, music, painting, and caring for others.

Ma’s Discrepancy Between Education and 996

When does one living a 996 find the time and energy to be successful in developing the “human” skills he deems imperative for the future? Aren’t machines designed to work 996 and longer so humans can spend more time and energy on being human? Coincidentally, 996 in numerology refers to material attachment. It advises to detach oneself from possessions needed to boost one’s self-esteem and/or ego. The result will be an improvement in your spiritual health as well as your devotion to your loved ones. Altruism, kindheartedness, and light work are also associated with 996. How ironic!

Number 9 – Worldly Sophistication

What do the individual numbers have to say? The number 9 in 996 has a double influence since it is repeated. Number 9 represents humanity and global consciousness, offering sympathy and compassion to everyone. Does a 996 Work Culture show compassion?

Number 6 – Loving and Caring

Properly nicknamed the motherhood number, the number 6 is associated with sacrificing, healing, caring, protecting, and teaching others. 6 is the glue that keeps families and communities together by living a balanced and harmonious life. How are families living in balance when a parent works 72 hours a week? The 996 Work Culture threatens the basic social fabric of society: families and communities. So what’s the numerical solution?

A Solution: The 954 Work Culture

A 954 Work Culture means working 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 4 days a week. A 32-hour workweek makes a clear distinction between work and family/social life. This balanced separation results in improved time management and energy efficiency. Some companies, like one in New Zealand, are experimenting with a 32-hour workweek. A recent blog by David Heinemeier Hansson titled “Work harder or the communists will win” also discusses the absurdity of working employees to exhaustion.

954 Makes Numerological & Rational Sense

A 32-hour workweek truly shows compassion. 9 = 5 + 4. The number 5 represents adventure-seeking and risk-taking. 5 also represents flexibility and adaptability. These qualities are needed in today’s VUCA world. 4 represents dependability and productivity, two highly sought after qualities in prospective hires. 9 + 5 + 4 = 18. The numerology meaning of 18  is keen on building something of lasting benefit. It is future-oriented. 18 turns vision into reality.

The Pseudo-Scientific Skinny on 966 Work Cultures

The 996 Work Culture numerologically and logically do not add up even when promoted by a reliable source. Numbers can be misleading. Have a closer look at what they really mean. Have some fun with numbers. It may help you find creative solutions to complex organizational problems!

About the Author

Jean-Pierre is a Human Systems Facilitator and Executive Coach. He optimizes HR and leadership potential by enhancing group dynamics, team interdependence, and individual performance. He is the creator of the EPIC Model of development and the author of What You Can Learn from Your Teenager: Lessons in Parenting and Personal Growth.